Monday, December 29, 2008


We have almost entered the second decennium of the twenty-first century, however our mind and consciousness is still very connected to "the century that changed everything": two world wars, dealing with a lot of old dogma and prosperity for more and more people. 

After hundred years of activity, one is tended to sit back, thinking that the speed of life will shift to a lower gear. However, these times never come when we have planned them, instead we are now confronted with a credit crunch that hasn't shown it's real face yet.
Professionals and experts proclaim: "... uh no, we hadn't foreseen this, or yes, we have almost reached the highest point."

What is happening? Progress and development can't be stopped and will always have huge changes as a result, especially considering the inspiration we found in last centuries achievements. For instance mobile communication and the virtual world have changed our daily environment completely. So, it is very likely that the integration of technological innovation will continue at an even faster speed than we have experienced until now. The question is if our twentieth century minds are ready to except developments - already feasible - like: transforming a human into a cyborg, to collect energy with a space solar panel and beam it to earth, even sperm becoming superfluous in our reproduction. Climate change that can't be stopped anymore by mainly CO2 reduction and what to think of the food crisis, obviously caused by the environmental problems, however also influenced by the vanishing of large population of bees and the growing amount of chemicals in the food chain. Nature lost it's balance and it seems society - with the financial sector in the vanguard - acted accordingly.
The credit crunch has become a metaphor for improvidence and superficiality, portrait in unbridled greed initiated by slyboots unable to manage their "trics"

This is also the core of the matter: if you don't understand what you are doing, nor are able to define changes in society, how can you manage them? Contemporary politicians and managers often don't know what they manage, which only gets worst because they think and act according twentieth century parameters, inadequate to manage todays demands.

We have to start taking the future serious: new technique's and new social circumstances require a modern approach and methodology.
It is a fact that we entered a new millennium where distance between mankind and machine will diminish, chaos will take over from rationalism and discoveries done in the last two hundred years will be dismantled.

Sunday, December 14, 2008



Energy had been the solution for the great depression, will energy again help us to overcome the current financial problems? Why not? Prices of solar energy had dropped with a factor ten since the last oil crisis in the 1970-ies, we have been able to optimize the absorption of solar energy by using nano-coatings on solar panels that need a very small surface to collect sufficiently to provide the entire world. And if collecting solar energy in space will be affordable in due time oil and nuclear power will be history forever.
We need mental energy to generate and establish creative thinking in a modern society. Energy-lobbies soon will find competition from individuals that will invest in solar or wind energy in the surroundings of their houses. In difficult economic times people have always been surching for new business possibilities, the interesting aspect in modern times is that we can think big and small!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


(Hugh MacLeod -

Why does the world still thinks and lives in the past? 
We are almost entering the second decade of the 21th century and still we stick to old mechanisms: we stimulate the economy with some incentives here and there, we invest in clean energy only when we can afford it and we help the industries that have been responsible for the mess we are in... 
We don't have the guts to take drastic measures, because we are scared and we lack vision.
We should open up to possibilities that new technological development give us like having your new chair printed with a 3D printer rather than buying it at IKEA, believing in the possibility of owning a 100% electric car within 2 years - or rather demanding from the industry that they provide you an electric car within 2 years - or wanting to be in charge of your own food supply while living in the city.
We are living in the 21st century, the technology of improvement is there: let's claim it, let's use it and let's stop allowing people in power to slow down progress for their own good.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


The financial world is collapsing after decennia of greed and self enrichment: the world is in despair! Banks are nationalized, black Mondays are followed by black Tuesdays and interest rates are lowered up to a point that money will be for free. I never understood a free market without regulations, especially since supervision of power and protection of  "main street" is in the hands of politicians and other civil servants.  
Isn't it ironic, we have to feel devastated about our financial system that actually is responsible for it's own decline? The positive side is that actions are being taken by National Governments all over the world. But will the question be answered: "Why didn't anybody use his or her common sense?" Is it so difficult to imagine that a deal of 24 billion, that a year before should have been 10 billion isn't a good deal, but just an ingenuous construction - if not fraud - that brings a lot of money to hedge funds and shareholders? Yes, it is sad what is happening with the mortgages and savings of Mr. & Mrs. Jones, but the collapse of the financial system might be the start of a fairer future. Let's only hope that the people responsible will be held accountable for their actions. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Obama wanted change, now McCain wants the same. Unfortunately, until now the conservative part of his Republican party disagrees with him. Okay, it is unheard of that tax payers have to pay for the greedy actions of rich politicians, business people and bankers. However doing nothing and clinging to selfish views on capitalism won't solve the present problems. The global world has become so much of a reality that in fact Europeans and Asians should have a say in the next elections. Again another puppet of power would be disastrous, if not fatal for world economy and stability.
People are sick and tired of incompetents ruling this world, monitoring our money, without any view on future roads to take. The world is ready for the future, but our leaders are blind, lame ducks that don't have a clue how to start a new business, how to unite people or preserve the world for our children and grandchildren.
I am not saying that Obama is the solution, things don't change overnight. But at least he tries, is passionate and has eye for the misery of less fortunate people. I ask all the Americans all over the world to think and listen to global consciousness when they have to choose in November: please give Obama the chance to change! As a European I would be eternally grateful!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Does it make sense to still commemorate our slavery's past? 
Has slavery really vanished from our lives, not only in the Western world but worldwide? In India there is still a cast system, in Dubai foreign workers are flown in and kept while their kids grow up elsewhere, hardly ever seeing their parents and in countries like Colombia poor farmers have to escape to a miserable life in the city in order not to delay the production of cocaine for European and North American consumption. 
On a sophisticated small scale we see something happening: Max Havelaar coffee and bananas, child labor is traced where possible and now and than slaves are being released from factories in the inland of China.
Thanks to Al Gore we are finally aware that we are globally responsible for the status of the natural habitat, but shouldn't we also show a bit more interest in the living conditions of people less fortunate than the Western consumer? Or is our wallet more important than a decent life for the workers - far away - who actually partly keep our economy running and healthy?
Every world citizen should be aware of the fact that we are living together on this globe and that we have a shared responsibility. That doesn't stop with buying now-and-than a biological product, to work more at home and drive less or to donate to charity once in a while. A new global attitude is needed that shows interest and cares for everything and everybody.
Sceptics will say:" We have heard the socialists and communists say the same." Capitalism didn't bring what it has preached either: a great number of people in the US live under very poor conditions.
A complex world isn't helped by conservative thinking: we need vision and insight like for instance William McDonough and Michael Braungart are showing in their book Cradle-to-Cradle or Eric D. Beinhocker in his book "The origin of Wealth" and the many others who are publishing about nature, sustainability and new economic thinking. Unfortunately  the most important component of a production process, human labour still hasn't reached the top of our list.
On the threshold of a "responsible revolution", let's include the right for every human being to food, education and respect.

Saturday, August 9, 2008


Nowadays, it sometimes seems that we can obtain everything for free. At first sight of-course, because afterwards we are always presented a bill: in terms of money, giving part of our privacy in exchange or having to receive unwanted spam.
By giving away something, you create a relationship with the receiver. Normally this happens without a hidden agenda, however the opposite is true when you are dealing with for instance LinkedIn, Google or Facebook. 
As an innocent user of Google, Facebook or any other community you are under the impression you have found the solution for all your problems in life: finding new information, friends or even jobs. Unfortunately you are confronted with an unexpected bill. 
In the past the border between paid and for free was clear: you got paid for your work and leisure time and charity was for free. In our diffuse present time it is more complicated, because time and even space are no longer definable entities: a pub can be your working space, you can live in Barcelona and work everyday in Amsterdam, without physically being present.
Fact is that mankind loves everything that is for free, which is widely acknowledged by the commercial world. The issue is volume: working on a large scale - to have access to a lot of profiles, IP addresses or email accounts - means that there are always fishes to catch.  The question is: "Do we mind paying with our privacy?" Because, is there a way back? A life without a free search engine has become unthinkable, also a free mobile phone with your contract or the smaller discounts provided by air-miles cards etc. 
The only option to avoid these kind of services is to withdraw from modern life completely: to choose for a self-supporting lifestyle "back to nature" or to start a life of a "pro-sumer" supported by consumer technology.
People are innovative and curious: the first signs of emerging micro-economies are visible. People choosing for a less stressful life restoring old furniture, the growth of local food on menu's or Holidays closer to home.
Old economic values where "more" is the only option are getting competition of a new approach marked by small scale, quality and service. Not only return on investment counts, also a pleasant environment and awareness is important.
With great respect for the achievements of Google c.s.: giving something away and become a millionaire. The time is also ready for local initiatives focused on individual needs.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


We are brought into this world as a complete miracle of the unknown. Everybody is happy with a newborn and astonished by the fact that living species are capable of producing another living creature. This fascination often lasts until the moment the first crying/sleepness nights occur and duty will call again. The reality of structure and regularity has returned and simultaneously the start of the thorough wiping out of any trace of the undefinable in the new baby's awareness.
Paradoxically speaking, thanks to our disrespect for nature, high oil prices or unnecessary wars we start realizing that, maybe, the structures we have created during the last 2000 years - religion, education, politics, economics - are showing too many traces of wear and tear.
Communication technology lifted the curtains covering established institutions and showed us how to create our own economy (ebay, craigslist or swapace) to bring our own news, opinions and observations in blogs and fora or to share ideas, contacts, knowledge or pleasure (linkedin, wikipedia, twitter, myspace).
New insights bring us freedom and creativity to finish with old dogma and will open doors to unorthodox approaches to every aspect in our lives. 
To remove the word "strange" from our vocabulary might be the first step to a world with incredible new ideas and business opportunities, kinder ways of living together and more commitment of every world citizen to global, participatory politics.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Philip Starck has recently informed us that everything he had designed in the past was totally unnecessary. Personally, I couldn't agree with him more. Design for the sake of design doesn't squeeze oranges in the glass but on the table, washes your clothes instead of your hands and produces light switches that are "cool" not to be found.
Thanks to modern technology, fortunately we have entered a new era where designers, producers, retailers and consumers work together, in order to create sensible, sustainable and desired products.


In the past it was only the priviledge for men to become gracefully old. Fortunately we see more often women claiming that right, especially the ones entering the fifth decenium of their lives. Thanks to advertisement campaigns of companies like Dove these women are taken serious. With the eye of an artist Dove shows beauty behind a few pounds too many, healthy grey hair or wrinkles around sparkling eyes. Modern women have worked way too hard the last thirty years to feel old and ugly: they are happy, proud and above all sexy.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008


In a society where borders are disappearing on almost every level, it is not sufficient to segment markets in consumer, style nor fashion groups. Fashion has always been a reflection of time-spirit, nowadays it almost dictates society’s behavior in general.
Will in the near future, the emphasis of the fashion phenomena be focused not only on garments, interior or mobile phones but also on insurances, finances and politics?
In a world in chaos it is not always the best choice to analyse and structure alone, sometimes it is better to sense change and to anticipate with intuition. Often this approach will help you to set the first steps into a direction that unconsciously is the one of your clients or even voters. After having chosen the right track, you can start thinking about analysis, marketing or strategy. The idea is to grasp the future instead of clinging to the past.