Saturday, February 28, 2009


"I have a dream" (Martin Luther King, 28th of August, 1963): a quote with a "colored" past, recently came true with the inauguraton of President Barack Obama.

Are we closing a black page in history? Are we even heading for a brighter future? 
Injustice, predominance and disrespect were the main charateristics of slavery. Just imagine if we would proclaim again: "I have a dream", but now, with the people in mind that are the victims of power games of the financial markets, the industry and the old boys network in general? What if dreams of the working class and middle management  would come true, what would the future be like than?

The credit crunch reveils so many misdeeds of people in power that you wonder: "How much longer will the people in the street accept to have to foot the bill again? At least in some countries in Europe, politicians have a hard time fulfilling the demands of the silent majority -of the past-, will the captains of industry be the next to be held accountable for their deeds?

Let's go back to the dream - of course - we all want to be rich, with a nice house, a big car and a loving family, but unfortunately happiness and money are like drinking and driving: a consideration that would help economists to have a more realistic view on economic thinking in general. People don't always are in need of more, have to consume more or sell more! In a world of abundance there comes a moment when enough is enough! It seems we have reached that moment.

Why to produce more when you can buy the same at ebay, why to buy a new car when the technology is still from the past and why to buy a new computer when you still haven't figured out how your old one works?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The beauty of today is that we can almost create everything we want - even with limited skills and resources -. Children and creative people have always been following their dreams often portrayed in real life. Thanks to modern technology we have computers, digital camera's and most importantly the internet, that have provided the freedom of creation to a wider audience. The more people that are discovering their ability to go of the beaten track, opening new roads to fulfillment in life, in their work, in relationships, the farther we will stand from neo-conservatism, old-fashioned dogma and fear. Will this ultimately lead us to a better world?

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Why are we so restricted in our thinking. Why aren't we taught to also have a helicopter view besides our personal competency? Why do we stick to comparing the growth of national and global economies to one year ago instead of five or even ten... because let's get real - at least in the Western world - what crisis? Okay, it's sad people are loosing their jobs, but there is still enough money to support them as long as necessary...
Shouldn't we change our views of never ending growth and try to think in terms that the bucket might be full? -At least nature tries to tell us that we have reached a few limits.- Isn't it time for a universal view on life, on economics, on politics? The euro is a success, maybe we should get serious about the "global" currency? Why...? What will be the answer: on a micro level "normal" people, workers they seem to have answers, unfortunately on a macro level the power game is still ruling. Obviously there is still a long way to go to a better understanding of our universal problems.