Wednesday, December 23, 2009


The dilemma of today is: do you have to read everything published about your field of study or work, or do you take time to think and experience new views. You simply can't read all the blogs, magazines, books or tweets... And if you would have the time to read them all: by the time you're finished it has become old news. To transform information into knowledge and understanding needs reflection and debate. Today's hastiness doesn't leave us room for contemplation, peace and tranquility that might lead to an "epiphany". Let's take time to understand about order where there is chaos - although without trying to control the disorder -. Try to feel and live virtuality rather than transform it into a new "real" life. Embrace the unknown and insecurity and opt for a multidimensional future: there is not one truth in the same way there are not two human characters identical.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Last Friday the 4th of December almost 100 people gathered in V2 (Institute for the Unstable media ) in Rotterdam to discuss Augmented Reality AR an event organized by Kwela Hermanns and Carl Kerchmar

Developers, academics, artists, users and the industry first listened to presentations from Claire Boonstra (co-founder Layar, Amsterdam ), Christina Rittchen (director Mobilizy/Wikitude, Salzburg ), Willi Schroll (Owner Strategic Labs, Berlin ) and myself Truus Dokter (trend forecaster ,

After the presentations the audience discussed in different groups about the feasibility in general, commercial possibilities and long term existential implications of AR.

The development of Augmented Reality today, can be compared with the situation of the early nineties when we tried to portray the future of the internet. While the World Wide Web created a platform for the “real” world to enter the virtual one, AR does the opposite: by means of devices such as mobile phones, special goggles or even a car’s front window, the invisible can be made visible. The idea behind the technology is very simple: a mobile device with camera and compass plus the GPS coordinates from yourself and the “target” you want to be informed about. AR uses a layer program that translates the information about the objective, the device is aimed at. In the promotional film from Layar interested parties can inform themselves on price, ownership and year of construction of any given property: .

There are many other possibilities: re-staging the past (the roar of the lions in the Colosseum), envisioning the future (rendering a building that still needs to be built) or a guided tour with the Beatles present on Abbey Road.

The approach of layers is easy to understand, however the concept of automatic triggering really brings you into a new world: through RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) you can be recognized when you enter a certain area, for instance an artwork or a game, automatically you are part of the “bubble” you are entering. You can turn of the RFID recognition – or program it only for certain occasions – but what will happen if we can be recognized by our smell, our personal energy levels, even by aura recognition? There are still a lot of questions to be answered. However there is no doubt about it that AR is not only a hype! It will soon be an integral part of our lives: for architects and city developers, in communication and marketing, in the medical world or just for our convenience and fun. The issue of security and the fact that Big Brother get’s closer by the minute, will surely need some of our attention. Fact is that mankind has never been able to stop progress and with this development it won’t be any different. Yes..., we will have to guard our privacy as we have to do now and had to do in the past. Problems are there to be solved!

In this new millenium the twentieth century attitude of control and automation has to be left behind. A world without borders requests an open attitude - cleared from old sore – that embraces the unknown called the future. Where Google concentrates on automation, modern crowdsourcing brings freedom, creativity and limitless possibilities.

One of the interesting parts of this conference was to try to inspire the audience not only to think about the technology and the possibilities of AR, but also to welcome it into the perception of what life will be about in the near future.

In due time there won’t be a difference between real and virtual worlds. It is a challenge to start living and carring out the beautiful marriage between reality and virtuality, maybe even invent a new name for todays ubiquitous – or as Willi Schroll claims cybiquitous – world.

Monday, October 26, 2009


To stay tuned we had to read newspapers, weekly's, blogs, newsletters... and now there is twitter. Of course you have to follow the interesting guys, but after awhile you will find your way and by only checking your twitter account - a few times a day - you are totally tuned in. Better than ever I might say! In the beginning I got irritated by the "I am waking up" or "I am back" messages of friends but now it has become sort of cozy. The best of Twitter is the possibility of customizing your daily news and information flow. There are people reluctant towards yet another network to be part of, I believe it gives us - besides loads of information - more freedom to choose.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


blogs like the Satorialist or Facehunter played a very important role in the fashion industry the last couple of years. When the Sartorialist started in 2005 it was so refreshing: real people in real - personalized yet fashionable - clothes. Unfortunately after every success story, a period of decay often is near. Throughout the years the pictures became less spontaneous, the people more designer-fashionable and the cooperation with magazines more important than the blog itself. Just recently on the 13nd of October a post on the Sartorialist showed "fashion blogging on the run": too old, too new, too desperate....

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Last week from the 15th till the 19th of July, the Netherlands Media Art Institute in Amsterdam had an exhibition and several lectures about wearable technology.
In the video you see some examples of Sarah Kettley and Elena Corchero.
Very soon all the lectures will be available on line.
I'll keep you informed!


A very interesting article on this link about the growing population of older people in the world:

A lot of new business opportunities are awaiting us!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Consuming will always be part of our lives, however over-consumption has died with the credit crunch! We have become more aware of our personal balance sheet, we have our shoes repaired and are open to re-invent our present wardrobe. Checking behind the jackets you normally wear, you'll often find some long forgotten still fantastic outfits. You should try it! Once you've got the "hang" of it, you'll continue with second-hand purchases, renting and - yes -  even swapping clothes with your friends at swapping parties or total strangers at swapping sites.
Merchandise (almost) for free as a unique selling point! It will be hard for  die hard business people to adjust to, however soon it will prove to be not only inevitable also great fun!

Saturday, February 28, 2009


"I have a dream" (Martin Luther King, 28th of August, 1963): a quote with a "colored" past, recently came true with the inauguraton of President Barack Obama.

Are we closing a black page in history? Are we even heading for a brighter future? 
Injustice, predominance and disrespect were the main charateristics of slavery. Just imagine if we would proclaim again: "I have a dream", but now, with the people in mind that are the victims of power games of the financial markets, the industry and the old boys network in general? What if dreams of the working class and middle management  would come true, what would the future be like than?

The credit crunch reveils so many misdeeds of people in power that you wonder: "How much longer will the people in the street accept to have to foot the bill again? At least in some countries in Europe, politicians have a hard time fulfilling the demands of the silent majority -of the past-, will the captains of industry be the next to be held accountable for their deeds?

Let's go back to the dream - of course - we all want to be rich, with a nice house, a big car and a loving family, but unfortunately happiness and money are like drinking and driving: a consideration that would help economists to have a more realistic view on economic thinking in general. People don't always are in need of more, have to consume more or sell more! In a world of abundance there comes a moment when enough is enough! It seems we have reached that moment.

Why to produce more when you can buy the same at ebay, why to buy a new car when the technology is still from the past and why to buy a new computer when you still haven't figured out how your old one works?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


The beauty of today is that we can almost create everything we want - even with limited skills and resources -. Children and creative people have always been following their dreams often portrayed in real life. Thanks to modern technology we have computers, digital camera's and most importantly the internet, that have provided the freedom of creation to a wider audience. The more people that are discovering their ability to go of the beaten track, opening new roads to fulfillment in life, in their work, in relationships, the farther we will stand from neo-conservatism, old-fashioned dogma and fear. Will this ultimately lead us to a better world?

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Why are we so restricted in our thinking. Why aren't we taught to also have a helicopter view besides our personal competency? Why do we stick to comparing the growth of national and global economies to one year ago instead of five or even ten... because let's get real - at least in the Western world - what crisis? Okay, it's sad people are loosing their jobs, but there is still enough money to support them as long as necessary...
Shouldn't we change our views of never ending growth and try to think in terms that the bucket might be full? -At least nature tries to tell us that we have reached a few limits.- Isn't it time for a universal view on life, on economics, on politics? The euro is a success, maybe we should get serious about the "global" currency? Why...? What will be the answer: on a micro level "normal" people, workers they seem to have answers, unfortunately on a macro level the power game is still ruling. Obviously there is still a long way to go to a better understanding of our universal problems.

Thursday, January 1, 2009