Wednesday, October 8, 2008


The financial world is collapsing after decennia of greed and self enrichment: the world is in despair! Banks are nationalized, black Mondays are followed by black Tuesdays and interest rates are lowered up to a point that money will be for free. I never understood a free market without regulations, especially since supervision of power and protection of  "main street" is in the hands of politicians and other civil servants.  
Isn't it ironic, we have to feel devastated about our financial system that actually is responsible for it's own decline? The positive side is that actions are being taken by National Governments all over the world. But will the question be answered: "Why didn't anybody use his or her common sense?" Is it so difficult to imagine that a deal of 24 billion, that a year before should have been 10 billion isn't a good deal, but just an ingenuous construction - if not fraud - that brings a lot of money to hedge funds and shareholders? Yes, it is sad what is happening with the mortgages and savings of Mr. & Mrs. Jones, but the collapse of the financial system might be the start of a fairer future. Let's only hope that the people responsible will be held accountable for their actions. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Obama wanted change, now McCain wants the same. Unfortunately, until now the conservative part of his Republican party disagrees with him. Okay, it is unheard of that tax payers have to pay for the greedy actions of rich politicians, business people and bankers. However doing nothing and clinging to selfish views on capitalism won't solve the present problems. The global world has become so much of a reality that in fact Europeans and Asians should have a say in the next elections. Again another puppet of power would be disastrous, if not fatal for world economy and stability.
People are sick and tired of incompetents ruling this world, monitoring our money, without any view on future roads to take. The world is ready for the future, but our leaders are blind, lame ducks that don't have a clue how to start a new business, how to unite people or preserve the world for our children and grandchildren.
I am not saying that Obama is the solution, things don't change overnight. But at least he tries, is passionate and has eye for the misery of less fortunate people. I ask all the Americans all over the world to think and listen to global consciousness when they have to choose in November: please give Obama the chance to change! As a European I would be eternally grateful!